Simlab has been involved in various geotechnical investigations , bridges, water treatment, cemetery and road projects in South Africa, Lesotho and Tanzania over the past 46 years.


Simlab is a South African based company, established in 1988, in Bloemfontein as an independent company. The laboratory was previously in operation since 1966 as part of a consulting engineers group.

Simlab offers geotechnical services and executes services required by the Civil Engineering and Building Industry, and has well equipped laboratories at its disposal, staffed by highly experienced personnel in the field of geotechnical services, soil mechanics, concrete, asphalt technology, chemical and water tests.

In January 2009 Simlab took Kimatlab in Kimberley over which now operates as Simlab Kimberley. In April 2012, Simlab obtained a water laboratory which operates as a division of Simlab Kimberley. The water division provides services to water industries like the local municipalities for the testing of water pollution and purification.

Simlab has been involved in various road projects in South Africa, Lesotho and Tanzania over the past 46 years. As well as in various geotechnical investigations for new buildings, bridges, water treatment works and cemeteries.

Since September 2013 the company is independently run by a new board of directors and shareholders.

Simlab (Pty) Limted has obtained a level 1 BEE status.

The Directors of Simlab (Pty) Ltd are Francois Jacobs (Managing Director), Charnie Lee Adams-Kruger (Director) and Barnes van Vuuren (Chief Executive Officer).

The board plays an active role in providing strategic direction to the company and in seeking new business opportunities.

  • Soil, gravel, aggregates, asphalt and concrete tests.
  • Asphalt, stabilisation (emulsion, foam bitumen & cement) and concrete mix designs.
  • Chemical and water tests.
  • Site investigations, centre-line soil surveys and borrow pit investigations.
  • Geotechnical investigations for town establishments, buildings and cemetery development.
  • Site supervision and site laboratories for road construction.
  • Control testing for construction.


Since its inception Simlab has been involved with numerous major projects across the country and carried out field investigations for projects ranging from buildings, bridges, water treatment works and township developments to roads requiring rehabilitation.


Simlab is accredited with SANAS, ISO17025 (T0455) since 27th August 2010.
We are accredited in twenty five laboratory test methods covering soils, concrete, asphalt and aggregates.

Certificate of Accreditation SANAS - Geotechnical Services Certificate of Accreditation SANAS - Water Division NLA Certificate National Certificate Program - Blue & Green Drop Certificate BEE Certificate SANAS Certificate

Contact us for more information.


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